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Desde l Arquet Ecologistes en Acció denunciamos que en nuestra localidad la Vall d Uixó Castelló pretenden instalar una explotación de ganadería industrial a 580 metros de la Llacuna del Fondo paraje municipal protegido con la finalidad de la cría intensiva y venta de pollos broiler LAS MACROGRANJAS SON UN NÚCLEO DE CONTAMINACIÓN INTENSIVA Este tipo de instalaciones no

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The Pieres Ancient Greek Πίερες were an ancient tribe that long before the archaic period in Greece occupied the narrow strip of plain land or low hill between the mouths of the Peneius and the Haliacmon [1] rivers at the foot of the great woody steeps of Mount Olympus [2] This region was named after them as Pieria Greek

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Just a few minutes from downtown Seattle Daniel s Broiler Leschi is located on the west shore of Lake Washington in a historic marina This hidden treasure is one of the most romantic sites in the Seattle area Built in a converted 1919 boathouse it has some of the most spectacular views in the area and has been a Seattle landmark since 1980 A 30 foot high window in the Main Dining

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How the coal industry fuels climate change Greenpeace Jul 01 2024 0183 32 Beyond this level of warming many impacts of climate change become severe in some regions Australia China India Poland and South Africa are among countries using coal for more than two thirds of their electricity and heat South Africa sources 92 percent of its power from coal and plans to add a further 16 400 MW

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I ve just returned from a short trip to Brazil to visit the Zenith Aircraft dealer AVIAÇÃO Brasileira One of the highlights of my trip was the opportunity to fly Waldomiro s recently completed STOL CH 750 called Cherry Red in Atibaia São Paulo

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