Mr Udyog Private Limited Company Information QuickCompany

Mr Udyog Private Limited incorporated with MCA on 01 September Mr Udyog Private Limited is listed in the class of company and classified as Non Govt company is registered at Registrar of Companies ROC Uttar Pradesh with an Authorized Share Capital of LAC and its paid up capital is 1 Mr Udyog Private Limited s last Annual General Meeting AGM was held on NA

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MR UDYOG PRIVATE LIMITED is a registered company under Ministry of Corporate Affairs MCA bearing CIN U28999UP2021PTC151449 MR UDYOG PRIVATE LIMITED is a Years old Private incorporated in the year 2024 The Paid Up Capital of MR UDYOG PRIVATE LIMITED is ₹ Lakhs and is authorized to raise capital up to ₹ Lakhs excluding premium

ذات الصلة السيد

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