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1000 poems from Poetry Foundation in jsonl fomrat GitHub To seennthe horns oneu2019s heart rate must nreach one hundred and seventynfive beats per minute at a ratennfaster than the blink of an eye nfor the body with horns livesnin the space between the blinknnand lightu2009u2014u2009slow down the blinknand somewhere in the white spacenbetween sight and sightlessnessnnis twilight and in that

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Refuge de la Balme at LES CONTAMINES My name is Michaël GUT and I am the new caretaker of the Balme refuge like my father and my grandfather The refuge is a family affair Nature and me is a great love story Apart from the refuge keeper I am a ski instructor and mountain guide We are located in the commune of CONTAMINES MONTJOIE 74170 in Haute Savoie in the heart of the nature reserve a

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