Youngsville Louisiana LA 70592 profile population maps real

Tornado activity Youngsville area historical tornado activity is near Louisiana state is 47% greater than the overall On 10/29/1974 a category F3 max wind speeds 158 206 mph tornado miles away from the Youngsville town center injured one person and caused between $50 000 and $500 000 in On 1/31/1983 a category F3 tornado miles away from the


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Bayou Parc Dr Youngsville LA 70592 NeighborWho

We found 42 addresses and 87 properties on Bayou Parc Drive in Youngsville LA The average price for real estate on Bayou Parc Drive is $15 438 The average property tax on Bayou Parc Drive is $990/y r The average household income in the Bayou Parc Drive area is $92 640 Select an address below to search who owns that property on Bayou Parc

Youngsville LA Sales Tax Rate

The current total local sales tax rate in Youngsville LA is % The December 2024 total local sales tax rate was also % Sales Tax Breakdown District Rate Louisiana State % Lafayette Parish % Youngsville % Total % Youngsville Details

عروض شركات التنظيف في مصر

عروض شركات التنظيف تحرص اكبر شركات التنظيف في مصر ميم ايجيبت على الحصول على مساحة مثالية ومنظمة خالية من الغبار أو الملوثات، وتقدم جميع الخدمات بما في ذلك تنظيف المطبخ من البقع والشحوم

اسماء شركات الدواجن في السعودية المرسال

هناك العديد من شركات الدواجن في المملكة ، تلك الشركات التي توفر العديد من الخدمات المختلفة ، و من بين هذه الشركات توفير خدمات تربية الدواجن ، و كذلك توفير خدمات انتاج الدواجن ، و كذلك العديد من المنتجات و من بينها البيض

Closest airport to Youngsville LA

Lake Charles Regional Airport LCH Distance from Lake Charles Regional Airport to Youngsville is miles / kilometers Lake Charles Regional Airport is located approximately miles / kilometers south of Lake Charles and about miles / kilometers southeast of Sulphur IATA airport code is LCH

MISTRAS Youngsville LA USA Branch MISTRAS Group

Youngsville LA 70592 United States 1 337 856 9144 1 337 856 9141 Business Hours Mon Fri 8 00 AM 5 00 PM Sat Sun Closed Youngsville LA USA Overview MISTRAS Youngsville LA location specializes in industrial maintenance repair services and field inspections Providing high quality mechanical work with ISO 900 ISO 1400 and

Youngsville LA Elementary Schools

If you are looking to move to Youngsville LA consider which grade school your children would attend Be sure to use the data below to make sure you are relocating to an area with the best possible schools before you look into national moving companies cross country moving companies interstate moving companies or long distance movers